People aren't Resources
I was listening in on a meeting recently and one of my coworkers said, “Let me see if I can find a resource for this request.”
Was she talking about tracking down a PowerPoint presentation? Nope.
Was she talking about identifying a server for an application deployment? Nope.
She was talking about identifying a person who was certified to present a workshop.
Let me say this from the outset: people aren’t resources.
Effective Communication
Let’s start off with a simple premise: words matter.
We won’t jump too far down the rabbit hole of communication theory, but the words we use to communicate ideas are a set of shared symbols. These symbols require a common understanding or definition to make communication effective.
For example, when I talk to you about a “dog” I recently saw, we both have a shared understanding that the word “dog” refers to a 4 legged, furry canine. Our shared understanding of the word “dog” allows accurate communication to occur.
If I said “I recently saw a dog” but start talking to you about the short, 10lb creature with pointy ears, sharp teeth, long claws, and general attitude of “I don’t care about anything,” you’d probably stop me and clarify that I’m talking about a cat, not a dog.
Hopefully it makes sense that words matter. When I use a word, I want to choose the best word within our shared symbol set so that I clearly communicate my intent and ideas in a way that you understand.
“Good words are worth much, and cost little.” —George Herbert
This shared understanding is crucial when we discuss that people aren’t resources.
What is a Resource
Let’s start off by talking about what a “resource” is. When I think of a resource, my mind is immediately drawn to the board game Catan. In that game you use resources (sheep, wood, bricks, ore, and wheat) to build improvements and gain victory points. In this game, a resource is a commodity that can easily be traded or swapped out.
Beyond games, when I think of resources, I think of money, time, computers, real estate, and the like. If we’re talking about a shared understanding for effective communication, then it seems unlikely that people fit into this set of inanimate objects. But, my knowledge of English could also be lacking so let’s go to a better source. defines a resource as “a source of supply, support, or aid, especially one that can be readily drawn upon when needed.” So maybe people could be resources to provide support or aid from a knowledge or experience point-of-view, but I’m not completely on-board with that argument for a number of reasons.
Commoditizing People
The primary reason people aren’t resources is that, in referring to a person as a resource, you’re equating a person to a commodity.
I’m reminded of the movie Jupiter Ascending (it’s pretty bad, no need to watch it). In this movie, humans are “seeded” onto planets so they can grow in population and eventually be harvested to create “youth serum.” Over and over again the entire population of earth is seen as little more than a commodity to be harvested and used. They’re cattle. They’re resources.
Or think of the Marvel movie Eternals (definitely a better watch). In it, humans are “seeded” onto planets so that a large enough intelligent population can evolve to allow a new Celestial to be born (and destroy the world and human population in the process). Once again, people are cattle. Once again, people are resources.
These fictional representations of the commoditization of people also have bearing on the real-world way many people in management or planning positions see those they work with.
Technology and Business
This commoditization of people is especially prevalent within the technology industry. People are often referred to as resources and considered fungible assets. But let’s consider how we view people in other industries.
Do we really believe that one teacher is as good as any other teacher? As long as they have a teaching certificate you can swap them out and you’re good to go?
Or one doctor is the same as any other doctor? Does it matter which heart surgeon you go to? As long as they have a medical degree they’re all the same?
Then why is this view of people as resources, that they can simply be swapped in and out, so prevalent within the technology and business industries? Why is it acceptable to treat one “Java developer” the same as any other “Java developer?” Just because I know Java doesn’t mean that we have the same experience in working on a team or mentoring other developers. Technologists are not one-dimensional “resources.”
This reduction of people, especially technologists, into fungible commodities devalues them. All people bring desires, likes and dislikes, motivations, talents and skills, experiences, and creativity with them as they approach any aspect of their work.
Using Better Words
Let’s agree that referring to people as resources dehumanizes them.
“Words are potent weapons for all causes, good or bad.” —Manly Hall
The next time you’re tempted to refer to someone as a resource, try to pick a different word. Here are a few of my favorites:
- Coworker
- Developer (or whatever their role is)
- Teammate
- Someone
- A person
- Talent
I’ve found that in making the conscious effort to refer to the people I lead not as resources but as people, my empathy and relationships have improved dramatically.
So remember, people aren’t resources. Try using a different, humanizing term when referring to people and see what happens.